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Overview Report of the Pennsylvania 37th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury (Entire, original, unsearchable). Searchable files, by section: I. Introduction, pp.1-11. II. Exploitation and Abuse of Children by Diocesan Priests, pp.12-102.
III. Leadership of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, pp.103-123. IV. The Allegation Review Board, pp. 123-125. V. Behavioral Analysis, pp.125-142. Testimony of the FBI Critical Incident Response Group. Case studies of Frs. Joseph Gaborek (p.136), Leonard Inman (pp.138-139), George Koharchik (pp. 137-138), and Anthony M. Little (pp.136-137), and Bishops Hogan and Adamec. IV. Victimization and the Victims, pp.142-146. VII. Conclusions and Recommendations, pp. 146-147. Present Altoona-Johnstown Bishop Mark L. Bartchak is a named party in my sworn testimony before the 40th Pennsylvania Investigating Grand Jury. He has advised the US Bishops on matters of due process for accused priests for twenty years, and was appointed Member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in 2021 (.pdf archive). Bartchak is alleged to have been part of the coverup of the case of Fr. William Presley while a priest of the Diocese of Erie, and is closely related to the case of Fr. Salvatore P. Luzzi. By his own metrics (.pdf research archive) Bartchak should not be an actively ministering bishop. Yet he was lauded (.pdf research archive) for cooperating with the 37th GJ Investigation, and commended by that grand jury (pp. 121-122) for removing Frs. George Koharchik, Martin Cingle, Robert Kelly, and Anthony Little. That is how Bartchak was presented to the 37th PA Grand Jury, apparently without knowing his history in Erie. |
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