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"How do you encourage Catholic philanthropy when the Church is beset by abuse scandals? " |
James Faluszczak, to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick |
2005 Future Foundation Leadership Venture, Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities. |
Artifacts from my professional portfolio: 2014-Present: Consulting & Research of Clergy & Institutional Sexual Abuse, Buffalo NY. 2011-2014: Vice-President for Mission and Identity, Elk County Catholic School System, St. Marys, PA. Supervision of every aspect of mission development, articulation, and audit for a county- wide consortium of three elementary schools, one middle-school, and one high school. 2010-2014: Pastor, St. Boniface Church & School, Kersey, PA. Concurrent with my appointment as Vice-President for Identity & Mission, I was the priest for this rural community on the edge of the Pennsylvania Wilds. 2008-2010: Pastor St. Anthony of Padua Church, Sheffield, PA. At this half-county assignment I conducted policy development and implementation, financial reporting, volunteer and paid personnel management, safe environment protections for children, and application of sound financial procedures. Concurrent with chaplaincy at Warren State Hospital, North Warren PA. 2006-2008: Diocesan Director of Campus Ministry, Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie. Concurrent with my assignment to Clarion University, I supervised seven campues and site directors, and intercollegiate programming within thirteen counties of Northwest Pennsylvania. 2001-2008: Campus Minister, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PA. Concurrent with residence and sacramental assistance to Immaculate Conception Church & School. The result of an integrated development program which I established, I built an interfaith education center that served the diverse needs of the university. 2001-2004: Adjunct Faculty, Mercyhurst University, Erie, PA. I delivered masters content related to ethical philosophy, as well as practical ministerial direction, to parish religious education leaders within thirteen counties of northwest Pennsylvania. 1997-2001: Theology Faculty and Department Chair, Elk County Catholic High School, St. Marys, PA. I supervised the development of a unified theology curriculum, theology faculty, and student service-learning program at this regional college-prep high school. My duties included teaching 700 high school students and pastoral support to them and their families. Concurrent with residence and sacramental assistance to St. Leo Church & School, Ridgway PA. 1997-1999: Contract Chaplain, Federal Corrections Institution-McKean, Bradford PA. I provided weekly liturgy and counseling, and facilitated family visitation to this federal maximum security facility in rural north central Pennsylvania. 1994-1997: Parochial Vicar, St. Catherine of Siena Church & School, DuBois PA. An internship of three years consisting of my last year of graduate seminary (breaks spent in the parish), one year as a Transitional Deacon, and one year as an assistant priest. Concurrent with teaching at DuBois Central Catholic High School. 1993-1994: Intern, Hope House of Buffalo, Buffalo NY. Supervised by the late Sr. Karen Klimczak. 1993: Mail Room Clerk, Loyal Christian Benefit Association, Erie PA. Concurrent with residence at St. Stanislaus Church, Erie PA. 1992-1993: Chaplain, Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo NY. Internship, while a second-year graduate student at Christ the King Seminary, East Aurora, NY. 1991: Chaplain, St. Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA. 1989: Aide to Emeritus Bishop Watson, Erie PA. |
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