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Events Preliminary to Report I, Final, Redacted
Following the investigation and report into the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA AG Kathleen Kane initiated the 40th PA Investigating Grand Jury into the six PA dioceses which hadn't previously been independently investigated by state or county grand juries. Acting AG Bruce Castor very briefly oversaw the investigation, followed by AG Bruce Beemer, whose four month tenure coincided with the time I was most actively engaged with agents of the OAG and testifying before the grand jury.

01_14_2016 ff. Order, bid, and (partial) empanel documents, on 1st Deputy AG Bruce Beemer's request.
05_23_2016 Reported empanel date, with Cambria County Judge Norman Krumenacker III as Supervising Judge.
09_15_2016 Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Rozzi testifies a month earlier, was subpoenaed "months" earlier.
09_17_2016 Dioceses of Erie and Greensburg confirm receiving subpoenas, pledge cooperation.
09_19_2016 Public confirmation of subpoenas and details of a grand jury investigation.
10_07_2016 Completion of my Sworn Affidavit, with later references in Harrisburg and Buffalo NY.
10_07_2016 My subpoena issued by the 40th Pennsylvania Statewide Investigating Grand Jury.
10_12_2016 Certification of Service.
10_18_2016 I testify before the Grand Jury, numbered Exhibits "X" and "Y" are entered.
11_07_2016 OAG raid the Diocese of Erie on the basis of my testimony; likely additional dioceses.
12_20_2016 Retaliatory Penal Precept by Bishop Lawrence Persico, after refusing me residence for two years.
01_11_2017 Catholic Whistleblowers hide me outside of Pennsylvania the day after my father died.
01_15_2017 ff. Bishop Persico fires Jones Day, as per 08_15_2018 reporting by Sean Lafferty of WJET ABC Erie. 
01_17_2017 Josh Shapiro becomes PA Attorney General; actions of his office can be found beginning here.
07_21_2017 GJ Presentment against Fr. John T. Sweeney of the Diocese of Greensburg leads to charges and prison.
03_18_2018 I begin to speak publicly in Buffalo about my trauma at the hands of the Diocese of Erie.
03_21_2018 ff. Two newspaper articles in DuBois PA detail meaningfully my experience of the Church.
04_05_2018 Grand Jury term extended.
04_06_2018 Under pressure, Bishop Persico of Erie publishes partial list of alleged priests and lay offenders.
05_04_2018 Friars plead to misdemeanor child endangerment, a holdover case from the PA 37th GJ.
05_18_2018 GJ Presentment against my former Confessor, Fr. David Poulson of Erie, leads to charges and prison.
06_20_2018 PA Supreme Court issues a stay to indefinitely delay release of the Grand Jury Report.
06_25_2018 ff. Redactions of alleged abusers, enablers, bystanders and their activity are negotiated.
06_28_2018 Priest abuse victims updated on delayed report, meet with AG Shapiro as a group (.pdf archive).
06_29_2018 After pledging cooperation PA bishops earlier sought to shut down the entire process.
07_14_2018 Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association calls for release of the Report.
08_01_2018 Diocese of Harrisburg releases list, and waives their nondisclosure agreements with victims.
08_01_2018 Interim Report I, redacted (.pdf archival for research). Original cover.
08_14_2018 After years of pain, validation.

Grand Jury Report
40th Pennsylvania Statewide Investigating Grand Jury Report 1 Redacted, Final (.pdf archive).

Section I. Introduction, pp. 0-12.
Section II. The Dioceses, pp. 13-296.
Section III. The Church and Child Abuse, Past and Present, pp. 297-305.
Section IV. Recommendations of the Grand Jury, pp. 307-313.
Section V. Appendix of Offenders, pp. 315-884.

Responses to 40th PA Statewide Investigating Grand Jury Report No. 1 (after p. 884: pp. numbered 0-457. Not reflected in Table of Contents).

UNNAMED and REDACTED alleged abusers / NAMED alleged abusers with REDACTED portions

Diocese of Allentown
Pre-Report Diocese of Allentown Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Allentown from Section II, pp.15-63.
Appendix of Allentown Offenders from Section V, pp. 317-387.
Responses of Allentown named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp.1-15).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

Bender, Thomas J. Gross OCD, Jim Patil, Gabriel Soderlund, David A.
Benestad, Thomas J. Guiliani, Richard J. Paul OSFS, Henry Strassner, Henry E.
Cofenas, Robert G. Hulko, Joseph D. Puza,Paul G. Tucci, Bruno M.
Connell, David, OCD? Johnson OCD, Timothy Rigney, Dennis A. Uhrig, A. Gregory
Fromholzer, Francis J. Jones, William E. Rock, Joseph A. Ulincy, Andrew A.
Gaffney, James Kean, Joseph H. Royer, Gerald Yarrosh, Ronald
Galko, Joseph Kerestus, Thomas J. Ruffenach, Charles J. Zmijewski, Joseph A.
Ganster, Edward G. REDACTED PARTY Sabas, J. Pascal  
Gillespie, Francis T. Lawrence, Michael S. Shields, William J.  
Graff, Edward R. McNelis, Francis J. Shigo, Stephen F.  

Diocese of Erie
Bishop Donald W. Trautman Pre-Report Infographic.
Pre-Report Diocese of Erie Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Erie from Section II, pp. 65-112.
Appendix of Erie Offenders from Section V, pp. 389-474.
Responses of Erie named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp. 16-170).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

Amy, Michael J. Hopkins, James P. Lynch, Richard D. Presley, William
Barletta, Michael G. Hudock, Barry M. Martin, Daniel J. Schanz, John P.
Bolton CSSR, Donald C. Jerge, Joseph W. REDACTED PARTY Slocum, Samuel B.
Bower, Robert F. Jeselnick, Stephen E. Muroski, Leon T. Smith, Thomas
Chludzinski, Dennis A. Kelley, Thomas C. Murphy, Edmundus Snyderwine, Thomas
Cooper, Donald C. Ketcham, Gary L. Murray, John L. Tome, John (Seminarian)
Freeman, Michael R. Kondzielski, Thaddeus Nealen OSB, Giles L. Vallimont, Patrick
Furjanic OFM, Gregory P. Krebs, Gerard Olowin, Jan REDACTED PARTY
Gawronski, Chester Kucan OFM, Jerry (John) Pawlaczyk, Andrew  
Gloekler, Herbert G. Lorei, Louis Piatkowski, John A.  
Hannon, Robert E. Luzzi, Salvatore P. Poulson, David L.  

Noteworthy St. Mark Seminary (Erie) yearbooks include: 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979.

Bishop Mark L. Bartchak shares time, place, and leadership with the internal Church investigation of Fr. William Presley. Bartchak's experience as Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Erie and President of the Canon Law Society of America built his Church resume for becoming a bishop and member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura at the Vatican. His reprobate failures in the Presley case should have resulted in condemnation, not adulation. (.pdf research archive). Bishop Bartchak learned the #PLAYBOOK at the feet of Fr. Salvatore Luzzi and Bishop Donald W. Trautman.

Material related to Bishop Lawrence Persico is presented under his former Diocese of Greensburg.

Diocese of Greensburg
Pre-Report Diocese of Greensburg Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Greensburg from Section II, pp.113-147.
Appendix of Greensburg Offenders from Section V, pp. 475-516.
Responses of Greensburg named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp. 171-200).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

Dellamalva, Dennis Marcinek, Henry J. Pierce, George R. Sredzinski, Joseph L.
Flohr, Gregory Greensburg Priest #1 Premoshis, Gregory F. Sweeney, John T.
Guth, Charles B. Moslener, Robert Rogers, Thomas W. Tamilowski, Joseph A.
Lesniak, Francis Oris, Fabian G. Sanesi, Leonard Trott, Roger J.
Lukac, Raymond Parrakow, Edmond A. Sinclair, Roger A. Weber OSB, Charles

Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt, Jr. is a redacted actor in the Diocese of Greensburg portion (p.14) of the Report, and ostensibly also within the Diocese of Erie section, although easy to deduce via research. Troubling are the circuitous path he took to priestly service in the Diocese of Erie and lingering questions about who sponsored him through the seminary and Vatican Diplomatic Corps; his approved public biographies contradict official directories and news reporting contemporaneous to his early career, an overview of which can be accessed here. He is a man still hiding behind a big chair.

Any question of Bishop Lawrence Persico's readiness to manage clergy sex abuse within the Diocese of Erie on his first day in office is dispelled by knowledge of his management of the cases of Frs. Joseph Sredzinski and Fabian Oris in his time as Chancellor of the Diocese of Greensburg, and the cases of Frs. Charles Guth, Gregory Flohr, Henry Marcinek, Roger Sinclair, and Raymond Lukac during his tenure as Vicar General there alongside Bishop Lawrence Brandt. Prior service also to Bishops Connare and Bosco (who respectively ordained and promoted Persico) in these matters, as well as eight years of leadershop roles in the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference with Cardinal Justin Rigali, Bishop Joseph McFadden and Fr. Michael Servinsky taught Persico what the Church expects of him.

Persico's association with Fr. Leonard Sanesi as a child, an underage seminarian, and newly ordained priest begs certain questions, most especially since Sanesi is accused of molesting two minors at St. Joseph Hall, the seminary into which Sanesi welcomed young Persico in his capacity as Rector and Vocation Director. Did Persico's experience of a seminary official in his home diocese influence his decision not to include Fr. Lawrence Speice on his Diocese of Erie list, despite Speice being amply referenced (pp. 391, 434, & 444) as interceding with PA State Police and diocesan officials to protect and ordain Fr. Michael Amy who molested children under Speice's tutelege?

Bishop Lawrence Persico had direct association with at least 18 individuals who became child sex abusers in at least 4 different dioceses before becoming Bishop of Erie in 2012; knowing two more from that diocese from his time with them at St. Vincent Seminary. These are known individuals identified in Persico's Relational Assignment History, and are by no means an exhaustive accounting.

To say that Persico is personally touched by this issue would be an understatement, and belies his narrative of naivete and inexperience in waiting until pressured by the grand jury to release a list of Erie names in advance of the report; to include lay people he personally covered up, and then criticize the grand jury for not including them (it wasn't in their mandate, nor was it the Attorney General's report, as Persico suggests). Persico personally managed files and cases for 36 years before acting like he was just waking up to the issue in 2018.

Diocese of Harrisburg
Pre-Report Diocese of Harrisburg Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Harrisburg from Section II, pp.149-206
Appendix of Harrisburg Offenders from Section V, pp.517-585.
Responses of Harrisburg named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp. 201-220).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

Allen, Francis J. Harrisburg Priest #2 Luck, David H. Rush, Deacon James
Allen, John G. Hackman, Deacon Donald Maher, Robert REDACTED PARTY
Bach, Francis A. Haney, T. Ronald Mahoney, Daniel Schlager, Bryan
Barajas, Jesus Herber CPPS, John Marsico, Guy Shank, Herbert
Barry OMI, Richard J. Hower, Philip McDevitt OSFS, John M. Shannon, Patrick
Beeman, James Kayda, Kevin McGinley, Anthony Sperber, Timothy
Bostwick, John Konat SJ, Edward McLucas OCD, James Steffen, Carl J.
CramerDonald Koychick, George Mercado, Ibarra Vaughn, Frederick
Emala, Walter Kujovsky, Thomas REDACTED PARTY Zangari, Salvatore V.
Fisher O.Praem, Paul R. Lawler, Thomas PeaseJoseph M.  
Harrisburg Priest #1 Logue, Robert Procopio, Charles  
Giella, Augustine Long SJ, Arthur Reyes OFM, Guido M. Q.  

Diocese of Pittsburgh
Pre-Report Diocese of Pittsburgh Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Pittsburgh from Section II, pp.207-250.
Appendix of Pittsburgh Offenders from Section V, pp. 587-797.
Responses of Pittsburgh named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp. 221-404).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

REDACTED PARTY Hopkins, James Meder, Bro. Frank Sorensen, Bartley A.
Adams, James R. Huber, John J. REDACTED PARTY Spangenberg CSSp, Robert E.
Armstrong, James L. Huff, Edward G. Merrell, Arthur R. Spisak, Paul G.
Bauer, John M. Joyce, Edward REDACTED PARTY Stebler, Lawrence F.
Brueckner, John E. Justi, Marvin Mueller, Joseph Terdine, Richard G.
Burchianti, Leo Kaczmarczyk, Bernard J. O’Connell, Lawrence REDACTED PARTY
Castelucci, Robert Karabin, Joseph D. O’Donnell, Thomas M. Thomas, Charles
Cautela, Mauro J. Keegan SM, Bro. John O’Malley III, William P. UNLISTED REDACTED PARTY
Chatt, Charles J. REDACTED PARTY Paone, Ernest Wellinger, John W.
Cipolla, Anthony J. Krawczyk, Henry Parme, George Wichmanowski, Joseph S.
Connor, John P. REDACTED PARTY Pindel, Paul E. Wilt, George A.
Crowley, John D. Kryston, Edward L. Pittsburgh Priest #1 Wolk, Robert G.
Deakin, Richard Kumar, Anujit Pucci, Francis Yockey, William B.
Demsher, Ferdinand B. Kurutz, George Rebel, John W. Zabowski, Theodore P.
Diskin, Myles E. Lazar OSB, Fidelis Rhoden, Raymond R. Zirwas, George
Dorsch, Richard J. LelonisRichard Roemele, Carl Zula, Richard
Dzermejko, David F. Leonard, Albert Romero, Michael C. Pittsburgh Priest #2
REDACTED PARTY Lewandowski, Casimir F. Romero, Oswald E. Pittsburgh Priest #3
Fitzgerald, John P. Maloney, John P. Scharf, David Pittsburgh Priest #4
Ganter, Joseph M. May, Bro. Julius Scherer, Richard Pittsburgh Priest #5
Genizer, John A. McGee, Dominic SchultzRaymond T. Pittsburgh Priest #6 
Ginder, Charles R. McIlvane, Donald W. Siler, Francis Pittsburgh Priest #7
Graham, James G. McKenna, Thomas Silvers, Rudolph M. Pittsburgh Priest #8
Hildebrand SM,Bro. William McMahon OFM,Albert Smith, Edward P. Pittsburgh Priest #9
Hoehl, John S. McMahon, John H. Somma, James E. Pittsburgh Priest #10

Diocese of Scranton
Pre-Report Diocese of Scranton Infographic.
Overview of Diocese of Scranton from Section II, pp. 251-296. 
Appendix of Scranton Offenders from Section V, pp. 799-884.
Responses of Scranton named parties (Separate numbering system after p. 884: pp. 405-457).
Alleged Abuser Cases, individually, by packet:

Altavilla, Phillip A. REDACTED PARTY Griffin, Joseph A. Nolan, James F.
Angelo, Girard F. Dorsey, Donald J. Hammond, Joseph T. Paulish, W. Jeffrey
REDACTED PARTY REDACTED PARTY Homer, P. Lawrence Pender, John A.
Balczenuik, Mark G. Duggan SJ, John M. Honart, Mark A. Rossetti, Mark T.
Bonner, Joseph P. Dzurko, John J. Houston, Joseph F. Shoback, Edward J.
Boylan, Martin M. Ensey, Eric S. REDACTED PARTY Shoback, Thomas P.
Brague, Robert J. Farry, James F. REDACTED PARTY Skotek, Thomas D.
Brennan, Francis T. Fedor, James F. Kulig, Francis G. Tamalis, John J.
Bucolo, Joseph Ferraldo, Ralph N. Libertore Jr., Albert M. Thetherow, Virgil B.
Burns, Gerald J. Ferrara, Angelus Madaj, John A. Timchak, Robert M.
Caparelli, Robert N. Flanagan, Austin E. REDACTED PARTY Urrutigoity, Carlos
Clay, Christopher R. Flannery, Joseph D. McAuliffe, James M. Van Der Putten, Benedict J.
Conmy, Anthony P. Flemming, Martin J. McLaughlin SJ, Neil Weniger, Lawrence P.
Crynes, J. Peter Gibson, Robert J. Meighan, Joseph F. Wilson, Joseph B.
Deviney, Raymond L. Gilgallon, Joseph G. Motsay, Russell  
Redacted Parties
Most actions of the PA Supreme Court in the matters of redactions can be found here.
Sleuthing into these matters continues, and documentary assistance is welcomed.

Bishop Persico continues to shirk his responsibility to keep children safe by not naming redacted parties still serving, despite the allegations coming from his own files. Persico allows two known alleged abuser priests access to children and seminarians.

Legislative Efforts & Results
2018_09_24 PA First Lady Frances Wolf addresses child sex abuse through Catholic social seaching.
2018_10_03 PA AG Shapiro campaign-style ad on Pennsylvania lacking "moral and legal clarity".
2019_11_26 Pennsylvania Governor Wolf signs into law partial protections for victims of child sexual abuse.
2021_02_01 PA AG Shapiro quick to assign blame for PA Secretary of State announcement snafu.
2021_02_02 Governor Wolf accepts full responsibility for executive failure of constitutional ammendment.

2018_08_14 Attorney General Josh Shapiro press release, with video
My annotated 40th GJ media.
Limited archival video here.

Public Critique
PA GJ statutes under scrutiny after non-indictable crimes and naming of alleged perpetrators, bystanders.
2018_08_17 Richard Lavinthal's rebuke of AG Shapiro for "staging" of victims. Also by Richard: this work bio.
Shapiro gives other state AGs political cover for partial probes.
2019_01_25 Issue, Peter Steinfels Commonweal commentary on the Report as "inaccurate, unfair, and misleading".
2019_01_13 Rebuttal to Steinfels commentary on the Grand Jury and its Report by Christopher Altieri.

Problematic Behaviors Alleged
Allegations of workplace sexual harassment against Governor Shapiro's legislative liaison Mike Vereb.
Governor Shapiro assigns Vereb to organize 5th GJ anniversary with abuse victims after signing settlement.
Advance knowledge of Vereb matter.
Management of victim's narrative by OAG.
Unprofessional communication by OAG.
Grand juror secrecy.

Statistical inaccuracies by the Pennsylvania OAG will be detailed here. 

Corrections will be posted here as they impact victim cases; before if they are submitted by independent or official parties. Proofreading lapses in both the 40th and 37th Pennsylvania Statewide reports are too numerous to mention.

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